Some have asked why I do what I do…. here’s why:
. I’ve been that woman struggling to discover purpose yet afraid to truly step out to find it.
. I understand the wrestles that we face from being rejected, abandoned, and not affirmed.
. I know how it feels to smile and show up for my kids, all while holding back the tears inside and wondering am I a good mom?
. I know what it’s like to attend church service after church service wondering if God will ever bless me. Am I the only woman in here struggling?
. I know how it feels to want to save a marriage only to have to realize you are holding on to someone that doesn’t want you. You have to move on.
. I know how it feels to feel like you are not pretty enough, smart enough, or worthy.
. I understand how it feels to be angry at God asking …. why me? I didn’t sign up for this! It’s not fair.
. I know what it feels like to look around and see everyone else smiling, happy all while your life is falling apart.
I also know how it feels to BE FREE, TO BE AUTHENTIC , and TO DISCOVER PURPOSE!
I realized one reason God allowed it…. he trusted me with the storm. He trusted me to share to be authentic and birth purpose from the valley experiences. He trusted me to go through learning and discovering not how to fix, or control my situations but to find freedom. wholeness. forgiveness, but more importantly him.
Writing, encouraging, silly post, events, and classes aren’t about me or something to do because I’m bored. It’s about giving other women comfort to know you are not alone. It’s pulling the resources together that have helped me these last few years for other walking a similar path.
Sista friend you too can overcome. The community it’s for the many that are silently struggling, those that are searching for purpose, believers that are afraid of judgement and ridicule but looking for that one to stand and say …. I get you. I understand you. Let’s break free of these chains!
Let’s do this! The shift is here!!